Unraveling the Mystery of Leaky Skylights

Ever had that moment when you’re enjoying a cozy rainy day indoors, only to feel an unexpected drop on your head? If you have skylights, you might be experiencing the not-so-magical phenomenon of skylight leaks. But fear not, dear reader! Today, we’re donning our detective hats to investigate the case of the weeping skylight.

So, what’s making your skylight cry? Let’s dive into the usual suspects:

1. The Age-Old Tale of Aging

• Just like humans, skylights don’t age like fine wine.

• Over time, seals can deteriorate and materials can wear out.

• If your skylight is old enough to drive, it might be time for a check-up!

2. Faulty Flashing: The Unsung Hero Gone Rogue

• Flashing is the thin metal strip that seals the skylight to your roof.

• When it fails, it’s like leaving the door open for water to party in your house.

• Signs include rust, cracks, or gaps in the flashing.

3. Cracked or Damaged Glass: The Clear Culprit

• Sometimes, the answer is right before your eyes (literally).

• Cracks in the glass can let water sneak through.

• Tip: Check for cracks on a sunny day – they’ll shine like tiny rivers of betrayal.

4. Condensation: The Sneaky Impersonator

• Not all “leaks” are from outside!

• Condensation occurs when warm, moist air meets a cold surface.

• It’s like your skylight is sweating, but less gross.

5. Poor Installation: The Rookie Mistake

• If your skylight wasn’t installed correctly, you’re in for a wet surprise.

• Common issues include improper sealing or incorrect sizing.

• Remember: Just because your cousin’s friend’s dog-sitter can install a skylight, doesn’t mean they should.

6. Clogged Weep Holes: The Nose Job Gone Wrong

• Weep holes allow water to drain away from the skylight.

• When they get clogged, it’s like your skylight has a stuffy nose.

• Regular cleaning can prevent this watery congestion.

7. Roof Issues: The Bigger Picture

• Sometimes, the skylight isn’t the problem – it’s the roof around it.

• Damaged shingles or a sagging roof can direct water towards your skylight.

• It’s like your roof is playing a very wet game of “Hot Potato” with your skylight.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that ancient Romans used mica for skylights in some buildings? Imagine the leak investigations they had to do!

How to Play Skylight Detective:

  1. Check for visible damage or wear.
  2. Look for water stains on the ceiling around the skylight.
  3. During rain, observe if and where water is entering.
  4. If in doubt, call a professional – they’re like the Sherlock Holmes of skylight problems.

Remember: While DIY is great for many things, roof work can be dangerous. Don’t risk turning your leak investigation into a slapstick comedy routine. When in doubt, call the pros!


Leaky skylights can be a real pain, but understanding the potential causes is the first step to a drier, happier home. Whether it’s age, damage, or just condensation playing tricks on you, now you’re armed with the knowledge to tackle the problem.

So the next time your skylight starts mimicking a waterfall, you’ll know exactly where to start looking. And hey, if all else fails, you could always embrace the “indoor rain” trend. I hear it’s all the rage in… absolutely nowhere.

Stay dry with San Marcos TX Roofing.

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